Can there be a good balance of work life and family life? It seems as though in this day and age, people are always busy. There is always somewhere to go or something to do, and having a family and being a working parent or spouse can make things even more complicated. We all want to provide well for our families, but where should we draw the line? What is a good balance of work and family?

I’m sure you have felt that dreaded feeling of guilt because you are missing out on family time as you are working. Yes, I am working for their benefit, but I feel guilty and stressed. Focusing on a plan that can get things balanced is sure to help these all too well known feelings and allow a good balance between your family and your career.

Obviously, working is a necessity. The bills don’t pay themselves and Johnny’s teeth aren’t going to miraculously straighten into a beautiful smile on their own. We enjoy being with our loved ones, but we must work. Although it can make situations and life a bit easier, money isn’t everything and can’t provide the love and quality time that you can give. Balance is key. I’ve found a few suggestions to be quite helpful in making the effort to balance your work life and family life.

  • For those that have kids (though, this can also be relevant to significant others, friends, and loved ones), they need you, not material possessions. Gifts are great, but your presence and love are vital.
  • When you get home, take ten minutes alone to unwind from your busy day. This allows for you not to be on edge and allows for a fresh start to your night with your loved ones.
  • Eat with your loved ones. Even if your loved ones have already eaten, have a snack and a little talk about your day. This is a great way to connect.
  • Spend time together. Do something together. No matter how short the time or how trivial the task, do it together. Be relaxed and enjoy the moment.
  • Have one night a week be a special night. Movie night. Ice-cream night. The possibilities are endless.

These are just simple ways to help reconnect to your loved ones. Even if you have to work crazy hours to make ends meet, don’t forget about why you are doing it. Don’t forget to make that connection. Don’t forget about what and who really matter.